Get up, take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel; for those who sought the Child’s life are dead.” So Joseph got up, took the Child and His mother, and came into the land of Israel.” Matthew‬ ‭2:20-21‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Although we enjoy our traditions at Christmas. The birth of Jesus instituted an eternal change in Gods relationship to people. Jesus was born for the purpose of atonement for sin once for all.

Change. What does change look like?

When faith is conceived in a believer change already has taken place. Faith in Jesus is righteousness which is the life of God. It is the change from eternal death to eternal life. That is the beginning of change.

Like Joseph when settled in Egypt to protect the baby Jesus from Herod we can become content in our daily routines, perceived purpose and traditions. Be sure of this; God will have none of that...Joseph, go back to the promise land the enemy has been defeated by death. So Joseph got up and obeyed.
Brother and sister sojourner, God is faithful to cause us to change and live on the edge of ‘wonder and peace’ . The only act of faithfulness on our part that is acceptable to God is obey Gods way.

What ever your change looks like, whether God is causing you to change to grow, change where you live, change your lifestyle, or change your ministry. Like Joseph, get up and go. God is trustworthy He will see you through.