“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given...” Isaiah‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

God gave us a gift. He gave us His best in the person of Jesus. He was the new born King and is now the Lord that sits upon the throne. Filled to the fullest with all majesty and authority. Jesus the one we celebrate.

During this month of Christmas or advent, would you make room for holy celebration. Make special events in your month that will bring God honor. Make a tradition that is joyful and Glorifying to God. Your new Biblical tradition that expresses your celebration to Jesus is an act of worship. Celebrate Jesus.

Jesus was given to us so we can give ourselves to Him. The pattern of giving through out the Bible from Abraham to Revelation involves the total person. The pattern is; a willing heart, willingly giving a tithe of the total person. Honor God with your tithe. Tithe your talent, your money, your time, your food, your clothes, your everything.
Why? A first born was given. Jesus was given. Jesus body gives.

We are Jesus body..the Body of Christ, the church.
Celebrate all month...give unto Jesus all. You are making eternal investments.