“in case I am delayed, so that you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” 1 TIMOTHY‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭AMP‬‬

We all start a new week. By God’s grace He has given us a new Morning, a new day, a day to begin fresh, clean, free of whatever thought, attitude, fear, may be keeping you from living in the Strength of the Holy Spirit.

You are positioned for freedom. If you are there already, then encourage someone along. If the Holy Spirit has convicted you of the old nature...get ready...He is about to form in you more of the nature of Jesus. That forming is the building of strength in the Holy Spirit.

In our verse for today you are reminded once again who God knows you to be. You may not be there yet. But because of Jesus, Father sees you complete knowing you are not there, but able to lead you into what He has intended for you. Give Him access .

This is what He says, the church is the household of God, it is where God is living, the church is the pillar and foundation of truth. This is where we live. With our Father at His House, built on a foundation of truth. Our Father’s house is built, formed, fortified by truth. Jesus is Truth. It is who He is not what He does. That is why when we know the truth and abide in truth, the truth sets us free.

We are held in bondage when we accept things like, opinions, dreams, television shows, news programs, articles as truth. Someone will appear to tell the truth and not to disagree we will accept it as truth. We may always have thought something was true but it really is not. We may like someone or something so much we will believe a lie so to maintain a relationship and after a time we think it is truth. Where are you in this?

Jesus’ Holy Spirit is in us to keep us aware of truth. Discover truth, live by truth, let the foundation of Christ be your guide-post. The church foundation is Truth. Built on Truth we will never be shaken. We will experience, peace, wisdom and joy. Truth is one just as Jesus is one. When we are one we are whole. Wholly built on the sure foundation and pillar...Jesus. Find out the truth on all matters and measure it against Jesus the Truth. Enjoy the day...pray.