When ever you take a car ride, on your journey there are hundreds of road signs. The signs take you on the correct highways and roadways. Some signs have arrows so you go in the right direction. Some signs are warning signs. They warn of rough roads, construction, and some flash over the roadway, ‘dangerous road ahead’.

Seventeen years ago there was a warning given to the USA. America’s culture and ways of freedom are vulnerable and can be taken down. A clear warning. Many broken hearts and many lives ended. For those that cleared the rubble of the warning, they are suffering from cancer and other life threatening diseases. A warning.

For a brief time after the towers came down in NYC, churches and houses of worship were filled. However, time causes the memory to forget the impact of the warning and now 17 years later, the warning of ‘do not move ancient boundary stones’ has been ignored by our politicians, by pastors and whole church denominations. The solid bedrock of the Bible has been ignored, and all but removed from our culture.

The Bible speaks to the church in this type of culture: “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure...’ .

For many they have and will continue to keep their eyes on Jesus. His foundation is sure. He is sovereignly leading His remnant where He wants them to go.

Christian let today be a reminder that what is made of men will fail, those things that are built on the foundation of the Word of God’s revelation to His church...that will remain.

On your journey read the Bible. Hear and see the signs of the times. Get personal with Jesus. What you build on the sure foundation cannot be shaken. Pray.